Banner with images of cleaning equipment

FOD Cleaning

Facilities Operations and Development (FOD) is responsible for cleaning and custodial services in most academic, research, and administrative buildings located on the Columbus campus. Select facilities, including those managed by the Office of Student Life and the Wexner Medical Center, are outside FOD’s scope.

FOD follows protocols based on best practices for higher education institutions. Custodial, maintenance or general service requests should be made by contacting Service2Facilities online, or by calling 614-292-HELP (4357).

View a vacuuming schedule. For additional information, please contact your zone leader.

Cleaning Frequencies 

Classrooms and Teaching Labs
Clean / Wipe Down Desks and Common Use SurfacesDaily
Empty Trash Cans / Replenish LinersDaily
Re-Supply chalk / ErasersDaily
Sweep / Dust Mop Floors or VacuumDaily
Dust Flat Surfaces / FurnitureMonthly (2x)
Clean Boards / Trays / ErasersDaily
Empty Pencil SharpenersMonthly
Damp Mop FloorsWeekly
Clean Trash CansAnnually (2x)
Spot Clean Walls / Doors / framesQuarterly
Scrub / Recoat Floor / Shampoo CarpetSemi-Annually
Dust VentsQuarterly
Strip / Wax FloorsAnnually
Conference Rooms/Libraries/Lounges
Sweep / Dust-Damp Mop or VacuumWeekly (2x)
Spot Clean CarpetMonthly
Empty Trash / Replenish LinersDaily
Dust Furniture / Flat SurfacesMonthly (2x)
Spot Clean Walls / Doors / PartitionsQuarterly
Clean Trash CansAnnually
Shampoo Carpets / Strip / RefinishAnnually
Open/Secure DoorsDaily
Sweep/Dust Mop FloorsDaily
Vacuum ALL Carpet / Roll-Up Walk-Off MatsDaily
Sweep Outside Ramp/LandingDaily
Empty Waste ContainersDaily
Clean Window / Door GlassDaily
Damp Mop FloorWeekly (2x)
Spot Clean Walls / DoorsMonthly
Scrub / Recoat Floors Note: To be completed during winter break and spring breakSemi-annually
Clean / Extract Walk-Off MatsQuarterly
Strip/Refinish FloorsAnnually
Empty Trash Cans / Replenish LinersDaily
Clean Water FountainsDaily
Sweep / Dust Mop FloorsDaily
Clean ElevatorWeekly
Empty RecyclingAs Needed
Wet Mop Floors (Auto scrub)Weekly
Dust Flat SurfacesMonthly
Burnish  / Restore FloorsMonthly
Clean Trash CansQuarterly
Dust VentsQuarterly
Scrub / Recoat Floors or CarpetSemi-Annually
Strip / Refinish FloorsAnnually
Sweep / Dust-Damp Mop or VacuumMonthly*
Spot Clean CarpetMonthly*
Sweep / Dust-Damp Mop or Vacuum (circulation space in office suite)Weekly
Spot Clean Walls / Doors / PartitionsMonthly
Clean Trash CansAnnually
Shampoo Carpets / Strip / RefinishAnnually

*In private offices and cubes only

*Only centralized trash/recycle containers will be serviced

Research Labs
Empty Trash Cans and Replenish Black LinersDaily
Empty Recycle Containers and Replenish Clear Liner except in desk-side recycling binsDaily
Re-Supply Chalk and ErasersDaily
Sweep and Dust Mop Floors or VacuumDaily
Dust Flat Surfaces and FurnitureMonthly (2x)
Clean Boards, Trays, and ErasersDaily
Empty Pencil SharpenersMonthly
Damp Mop FloorsWeekly
Clean Trash CansAnnually (2x)
Spot Clean Walls, Doors, and FramesQuarterly
Dust VentsQuarterly
Strip/Wax FloorsAnnually
Lab Benches and Sinks (Responsibility of Lab)Not cleaned by Custodial
Scrub and recoat floorsAnnually
Dust ledges, horizontal surfaces, and furnitureMonthly (2x)
Clean and disinfect door knobs, lever handles, push plates, pull bars and handlesWeekly


Restock DispensersDaily
Empty Trash / Replenish LinersDaily
Clean / Disinfect Toilets/Sinks/UrinalsDaily
Clean MirrorsDaily
Sweep/Damp Mop FloorsDaily
Clean Partitions / DoorsWeekly
Dust Flat SurfacesMonthly (2x)
Spot Clean Walls / DoorsWeekly
KaiVac Detail Wall and FloorsMonthly
Clean Waste ContainersQuarterly
Dust VentsMonthly (2x)
Sweep Stairs / LandingsWeekly (2x)
Damp Mop Stairs / LandingsWeekly (2x)
High / Low Dusting / Clean RailsMonthly
Spot Wash Walls / DoorsQuarterly
Scrub / Recoat Landings / Shampoo CarpetSemi-Annually
Strip / Refinish FloorsAnnually
Sterile, Surgical and Clinical Areas
Between BaseNot Performed
Disinfection of room, cycle cleaningDaily

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find additional signage for my building to promote healthy habits or wayfinding?

Information about signage is available on the UniPrint website.

What will FOD clean, how often, and what am I responsible for as a building user?

For FOD-maintained buildings, custodians will clean restrooms at least once a day. 

  • Individual Offices - FOD will vacuum, sweep, dust and spot-clean monthly. Once a year, FOD will shampoo carpets or strip and refinish floors. Individuals are responsible for cleaning and disinfecting their own workstations. For employees who occupy single offices, we ask you to please empty your own deskside trash and recycling bins into centrally located containers. This will limit foot traffic in and out of your office. See the private office cleaning schedule.
  • Research Labs – Lab benches and sinks are the responsibility of the lab employees. It is recommended that individuals clean and disinfect shared workspaces. FOD will empty trash and recycling, and vacuum, sweep or mop floors daily. FOD will clean white boards and chalk boards daily and restock chalk supplies. Custodians will dust flat surfaces and furniture twice per month. Once a year, FOD will shampoo carpets or strip and refinish floors.
  • Kitchen and Break Areas - Building occupants utilizing break rooms or kitchens should be conscientious of others and clean up after each use.
  • Conference Rooms - Users are responsible for wiping down conference room high touch surfaces after each use. FOD will empty trash and recycling daily. Vacuuming, sweeping or mopping floors occurs twice, per week. Once a year, FOD will shampoo carpets or strip and refinish floors.
  • Classroom – Classrooms will be cleaned and disinfected once per day. FOD will empty trash and recycling, sweep, dust, mop or vacuum floors daily. Custodians will clean white boards and chalk boards daily and restock chalk supplies. Once a year, FOD will shampoo carpets or strip and refinish floors.

For additional information, please contact your zone leader.

Where can I obtain proper cleaning supplies to disinfect my area?

Cleaning supplies for individual use are the responsibility of building occupants or may be provided by your college or unit. In limited circumstances, FOD may provide cleaning supplies, when available. Please contact your zone leader with any questions.

Are drinking fountains open?

Drinking fountains in FOD-managed buildings will remain operational and FOD will disinfect them at least twice per day.

Who should I contact with additional cleaning questions?

Please contact your zone leader with any questions.

Can you test my building’s air flow or exchange rates?

FOD is in alignment with commercial guidelines and follows CDC and ASHRAE recommendations. Commercial HVAC systems, like the ones used in most Ohio State buildings, are designed to comply with code and must meet minimum ventilation requirements. Additional testing is not needed. Outside air ventilation requirements are set during the design process and building systems are maintained in alignment with required codes.

Can I request FOD to add a HEPA filter unit from my classroom?

These units are only needed in rooms that required additional filtered airflow to ensure they meet or exceed CDC recommendations. They are not needed in rooms that already meet these guidelines.

If my classroom has a HEPA filter unit does that mean there is something wrong with my room's HVAC system?

No. The CDC recommendations exceed what is required by the building code. A room’s HVAC system can be adequate for “normal” conditions but need adjustments, like a HEPA filter unit, for enhanced safety during the pandemic.

Can you replace the air filter(s) for my building?

HVAC air filters will be changed according to their normal maintenance cycle. FOD routinely changes air filters on a planned schedule.