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Duo Mobile (Two-Factor Authentication)
Process Guides
- Procurement
- Design
- Construction
- Close Out/Facility Maintenance
Design Guidelines, Specifications, Standards
Design Guidelines
Design Review Board
Specifications and Standards
Building Information Modeling (BIM)
- Project Delivery Standards
- Execution Plan
- Asset Tagging & LOD Matrix of BIM Deliverables
- Asset Tagging & LOD Matrix of BIM Deliverables - Wexner Medical Center Projects
- OSU BIM PDS Tools (zip)
Asset Tagging
- Asset Tagging Process Diagram
- Asset Tag Placement Guide
- Asset Worksheet Template
- Asset Tagging & LOD Matrix of BIM Deliverables
- Asset Tagging & LOD Matrix of BIM Deliverables - Wexner Medical Center Projects
Sustainable Design and Construction
Lighting Standards
- 14 ft. Light Poles (zip)
- 20 ft. Light Poles (zip)
Authority Having Jurisdiction Table
Utility Outages
Utilities Request - New or Change
Utility Service
What If Risk Assessment for Utility System Changes (In the document, mouse-over the headings for tool-tips.)
Building Antenna Installation / Equipment Updates
All private contractors and vendors planning to install new (non-cellular) antennas or update existing antenna equipment on any campus building must receive advance approval via the university Building Antenna Committee. Submit a completed building antenna request approximately four months in advance of the anticipated installation date. This form also includes requests for tornado sirens, flagpoles, cameras, etc. Vendors must attach a Technical Data Sheet and detailed engineering plans and specifications for the request to be processed. Plans and specifications must be compliant with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, and the vendor will be responsible for obtaining all required permits and approvals. For questions, please contact Mike Destadio, Destadio.1@osu.edu.
Technical Data Sheet Instructions
Professional Services (AE, Commissioning, Limited Scope)
Technical Proposal Guidelines
Agreement Summaries
- Commissioning Agreement Summary
- Consultant Agreement Summary
- Criteria AE Agreement Summary
- Professional Services Agreement Summary
- Professional Services Agreement Summary with CMR
Building Code Compliance Forms
Division of Industrial Compliance Guidelines
Pre-Construction Meeting Agenda
Project Kick-Off Meeting Agenda
Statement of Qualifications (SF330)
Title Sheet & Title Block Drawings
Design Builder (DB)
Technical Proposal Guidelines
- Design Build Technical Proposal Guidelines
- Design Build Technical Proposal Guidelines with Competitive GMP
- Design Build Agreement
- Design Build with Competitive GMP
GMP Amendment
- Design Build GMP Amendment
- Design Build GMP Template - DB GMP Exhibits
- Design Build GMP Template - Award Non-Specialty Work
- Design Build GMP Template - Prequal Criteria
- Design Build GMP Template - Prospective Bidders
- Design Build GMP Template - Recommendation of Award
- Design Build GMP Template - Subcontracting Plan
- Design Build GMP Template - Tangible Property
Pre-Construction Meeting Agenda
Division of Industrial Compliance Guidelines
Project Contact Information
Construction Manager at Risk (CMR)
Technical Proposal Guidelines
GMP Amendment
- Construction Manager at Risk GMP Amendment
- Construction Manager at Risk GMP Deliverables Transmittal
- Construction Manager at Risk GMP Template - Award Non-Specialty Work
- Construction Manager at Risk GMP Template - CMR GMP Exhibits
- Construction Manager at Risk GMP Template - Prequal Criteria
- Construction Manager at Risk GMP Template - Prospective Bidders
- Construction Manager at Risk GMP Template - Recommendation of Award
- Construction Manager at Risk GMP Template - Subcontracting Plan
- Construction Manager at Risk GMP Template - Tangible Property
Pre-Construction Meeting Agenda
Division of Industrial Compliance Guidelines
Project Contact Information
Construction Site Safety Requirements
EDGE Program
Encouraging Diversity, Growth & Equity (EDGE), administered through the State of Ohio’s Department Administrative Service, provides business opportunities for economically and socially disadvantaged business enterprises. It established goals for The Ohio State University in awarding contracts to certified EDGE-eligible businesses when procuring supplies, services, professional services, information technology, construction, and professional design.
See the Contractor Opportunities and Bid Results section at the bottom of this page for bid announcements and awards.
Registry - Search for EDGE-certified vendors in your region by discipline.
Forms - Required at the time of contract.
Prevailing Wage
Davis Bacon
State of Ohio
- Ohio Bureau of Labor & Worker Safety
- Ohio Prevailing Wage Threshold Levels
- ORC 4115 - Wages and Hours on Public Works
Payroll Report (NOTE - only include last 4 digits of the SS#)
State of Ohio Prevailing Wage Training
Post Construction/Closeout
Building Design Standards
Building Design Standards provide guidance when preparing construction documents for new buildings.
Archived Projects
Archived Projects has moved to SIMS 4.3. Request access. For the "access request type," choose SIMS.
Contractor Opportunities and Bid Results
The Ohio Facilities Construction Commission (OFCC) offers opportunities on a qualifications-based selection for state agencies, institutions for higher education and school districts for the selection of public construction projects.
The Ohio State University utilizes Bid Express for electronic bidding @ bidexpress.com