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Facilities and Operations Development (FOD) Operations team performs building and roadway maintenance, snow removal and landscaping services for the university and the Wexner Medical Center. We are also responsible for campus custodial, sustainability and energy services, offering an integrated service model that provides customers with a single point of contact and around-the-clock service.

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Facilities Services

We prioritize customer service and maximizing service efficiency. The FOD Operations maintenance and building services are divided into two service districts: Academic and Wexner Medical Center. The Academic District has five zones.

  • Zone Leaders are FOD staff and key players in maintaining an integrated facilities plans. In the district/zone model, they function as the single point of contact within each zone to help customers with specific needs and to improve communications. Zone leaders and building coordinators work together to improve services in each building.
  • Building Coordinators are not FOD employees but rather serve as designated liaisons back to FOD on behalf of the academic, administrative or research building they represent. Review the Building Coordinator Guide.

All service requests should be made by contacting Service2Facilities. Specific questions can be directed to your zone leader.


Service Requests: 614-292-HELP


Org Charts: Central, Academic District, Medical Center (1), Medical Center (2)