In the News: Ohio State Hosts Webinar on Creating Extensive Greenspace System

As part of Ohio State’s Earth Day 2021 activities, the Sustainability Institute recently hosted a virtual presentation to discuss the Rapid 5 project, a partnership among the Columbus District Council of the Urban Land Institute (ULI Columbus), Metro Parks, MORPC, Franklin County and others. Erin Prosser, Ohio State’s director of community development for Planning, Architecture and Real Estate (PARE), and Alicia Gaston, ULI Columbus senior director, presented the latest details and the comprehensive vision behind the project. 

“Everyone is really hungry for this idea of looking at our natural resources from a regional perspective,” Prosser said. “There’s an opportunity to connect university expertise with the goals and interests of these communities in a framework that is flexible and allows for creativity and innovation.”

Read more about the Rapid 5 project on the Planning, Architecture and Real Estate website.