Campus Race to Zero Waste Kicks Off

Campus Race to Zero Waste has officially started! For the next eight weeks, Ohio State will be competing against other universities across the country to determine who has the highest landfill diversion rate! Students, faculty and staff are asked to participate by recycling more, recycling right and composting.

Ohio State achieved a record-high landfill diversion rate of 40% this year. While we can be proud of this milestone, more participation in recycling is needed to achieve the university’s zero waste goal.

You can help Ohio State become a national zero waste champion by:

  • Learning what can and cannot be recycled on campus. Ohio State recycles:
    • Plastic cups, jugs, tubs, and bottles (leave the lids on!)
    • Paper, cardboard, paper coffee cups/fountain drink cups, and cartons (like soy milk or broth cartons)
    • Glass bottles and jars
    • Metal food and beverage cans
    • In the Wexner Medical Center, paper documents should be placed in shredding bins to protect patient privacy. Learn more about waste reduction efforts in the medical center.
  • Keeping recyclables clean and dry! Keep liquids and food out of recycling bins.
  • Participating in recycling every day! All campus buildings have recycling. Look for red “RECYCLE” bins or other bins labeled for recycling.
  • Explore the answers to frequently asked recycling questions.
  • Think beyond the bin! Not all materials can be accepted in the commingled recycling program. Use SWACO’s search tool to learn where to locally recycle specialty items.
  • Compost on campus in green bins or sign up for Ohio State’s free compost drop-off program.

If you have any questions about recycling or composting on campus, contact