Tagged: Goals - Achieve Zero Waste

Campus Race to Zero Waste Kicks Off

Campus Race to Zero Waste has officially started! For the next eight weeks, Ohio State will be competing against other universities across the country to determine who has the highest landfill diversion rate! Students, faculty and staff are asked to participate by recycling more, recycling right and composting.

America Recycles Day

America Recycles Day (November 15) is the only nationally recognized day dedicated to promoting and celebrating recycling in the United States. It is an opportunity to promote environmental citizenship and take action to increase and improve recycling in America.

FOD's Mary Leciejewski Recognized by USAC

Mary Leciejewski, Facilities Operations and Development zero waste manager, was recently recognized by the University Staff Advisory Committee (USAC) in their October staff spotlight feature. The feature recognizes Ohio State staff who exemplify what it means to be a Buckeye. In particular, Mary was highlighted for her dedication to spurring growth in the culture of sustainability at the university.

Read Mary's Staff Spotlight.

In the News: Residence Hall Compost Program Helps Ohio State Reach 2025 Zero Waste Goal

The Lantern recently highlighted the unviersity's compost program expansion to students living in residence Halls. Molly Kathleen, zero waste coordinator in Facilities Operations and Development discussed the zero waste goal and ways that composting helps create a more sustainable campus.

"Composting will definitely make a big difference on campus and making progress toward the waste diversion goal of zero waste," Kathleen said.

Read Full Article.

In the News: Composting Programs Expanding at Ohio State

The expansion of the university composting program was recently spotlighted by Ohio State News. “Ohio State is leading the region on this,” said FOD’s Mary Leciejewski. More than 1,000 Buckeyes have signed up to participate in a new program that has already diverted more than 114 tons of food waste from landfills since July and sparked new ideas from students in the classroom.

Read Full Article.

Video: Ohio State and Rumpke Collaborate to Help Manage Waste

A new collaboration between Ohio State and Rumpke Waste and Recycling will support advances in circular economy research, teaching and practices at a time when population growth in central Ohio is expected to bring new challenges to managing waste.

In the News: Aparna Dial on Protecting People and the Environment

Aparna Dial approaches sustainability with a view through three lenses: She immigrated to the United States from India. She’s a woman in a male-dominated field. And she’s been an eyewitness to the ways environmental impacts do not affect everyone equally.

That perspective leads her to propel discussion and action when it comes to issues such as the inequities of environmental impacts and the barriers faced by women in STEM.

New Sustainable Design and Construction Policy

The Ohio State University adopted a new Sustainable Design and Construction policy (formerly Green Build and Energy policy), effective February 1, 2021.