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News: Goals - Achieve Zero Waste

  • Become Green Buckeye Certified

    Implement best sustainability practices in your campus office or laboratory and become Green Buckeye certified. Complete an online survey to let us know what you are doing to reduce your carbon footprint and minimize waste. Learn about tips to make your space more sustainable and get recognized for your commitment.

  • Ohio State Zero Waste program seeks in-class presentation opportunities

    Ohio State has set an ambitious goal: achieve zero waste by 2025, by diverting 90% of campus waste away from landfills. To help make this vision a reality, the university has expanded its composting program to include students living in residence halls and off-campus housing. Now, FOD seeks faculty and instructors’ support in spreading the word among the student community.

  • A Q&A with OSEP Award Recipient Mary Leciejewski

    Ohio State Energy Partners (OSEP) has announced the recipients of its 2023-24 philanthropic awards. The awards provide funding for proposals that align with Ohio State’s sustainability goals and support the continuation of successful initiatives or the development/implementation of new programs or research projects that continue the trajectory of meeting the goals.

  • The Ohio State University Excels in National Competition to Reduce Waste

    The Ohio State University Columbus campus joined more than 3.4 million college students and staff across the country in the 2023 Campus Race to Zero Waste competition. During the competition, Buckeyes saved more than 1.9 million pounds of materials from being buried in a landfill.

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