Tina Bogac is the senior director for The Ohio State University’s Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS). As part of Facilities Operations and Development, EHSassists the university community in providing and maintaining a safe and healthful work environment for students, faculty, staff, contractors, and visitors.
Kristin Poldemann Bio
Kristin Poldemann serves as associate vice president for The Ohio State University Facilities Design and Construction (FDC). Kristin leads a staff of more than 50 professionals overseeing campus design, construction, and renovation projects, as well as technical support services and building design standards.
Mark Conselyea Bio
Mark’s experience in health care operations, strategic planning, facility planning, design and construction, finance, policy, and leadership dates back to 1991.
The Ohio State University Excels in National Competition to Reduce Waste
The Ohio State University Columbus campus joined more than 3.4 million college students and staff across the country in the 2023 Campus Race to Zero Waste competition. During the competition, Buckeyes saved more than 1.9 million pounds of materials from being buried in a landfill.
In the News: Students Create Interactive Wagons
The Lantern recently highlighted a collaboration between Facilities Operations and Development (FOD), the Sustainability Institute (SI) and Susan Melsop, professor of design, to prompt conversations about sustainability and campus composting. FOD and SI shared guidance and informational resources about composting and well as logistics coordination for the interactive wagon roll-out.